Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 Miles From Nowhere Fix It Tip

Step 1
Separate one side of your tire from the rim.

Step 2
Take out the deflated tube.

Step 3
Curse yourself for not bringing a patch kit or pump and vow to never forget them again.

Step 4
Start stuffing grass into your tire, molding it around the circumference.

Step 5
Stuff in more grass than you thought could possibly fit into a tire.

Step 6
Spread the grass evenly along the tire, so there are no bare spots between the tire and the rim.

Step 7
Use a tire lever or your hands to fit the tire back onto the rim.

Step 8
Bike slowly back to the trail. Your ride will be bumpy due to the grass, so take it slow to avoid dinging your rim.

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